Caring for your elderly parents can be stressful. There are usually many years when the children are watching carefully and monitoring parents ability to care for themselves. Sometimes an injury or health incident occurs where it becomes clear that the parent must live in a long term care facility. This is never an easy decision. In some cases, children who help care for a disabled parent are under the age of 18. It can be a trying experience, but there are many resources willing to assist those who ask for help.

Adult Children Caring for Disabled Parents
One of the challenges adult children face is preparing for their own retirement while caring for a disabled parent.
Taking over your parents' finances and deciding where they should live can be stressful. Sometimes your parents want to keep their independence and don't want your input.
For the adult child, deciding to place a parent in a nursing home, even temporarily, can generate feelings of guilt and create stress as well as place a strain on the relationship.