Membership and annual fees can vary greatly for different types of cards. Most major credit card companies offer standard, gold and platinum air miles credit cards. Keep in mind that the better the option, the higher the fees. Gold and platinum cards offer high credit limits but membership and annual fees are also higher and these add up quickly. Most major credit card companies offer introductory air miles cards with 0 % interest. Why? Because they want your credit card business. If interest rates are of concern for you, an air miles card should not be the card you choose because interest rates tend to be very high. Many air miles credit cards have a minimum number of miles that have to accumulate before you receive a free or discounted trip. Be sure to read the fine print and then read it again. Be sure you understand all of the stipulations.
If you travel frequently for business or pleasure, air miles cards can be very beneficial. With these types of cards, you use your credit card to purchase all necessary goods and services. In return, you accumulate rewards in the form of points and then you redeem them for air miles. You then use the air miles to get free or discounted trips to the destination of your choice. As an added incentive, airline credit cards often offer bonus air miles at selected stores, or on specific travel destinations. Usually, both airline and bank sponsored cards give bonus air miles when you sign with their company.
There are some disadvantages to having an air miles card. Usually these cards, as mentioned earlier, have much higher interest rates than standard cards, which can add up quickly if you don't pay the entire balance off each month. Another disadvantage is that these cards are often used for unnecessary purchases in order to accumulate points to be exchanged for air miles. As with all credit cards, air miles credit cards have to be used responsibly in order for the cardholder to reap the benefits.
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